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Meixner M, Büchler R, Costa C, Andonov S, Bienkowska M, Bouga M, Hatjina F, Ivanova E, Kezic N, Kryger P, Le Conte Y, Panasiuk B, Petrov P, Ruottinen L, Uzunov A, Wilde J (2015). Looking for the Best Bee- An Experiment about Interactions Between Origin and Environment of Honey Bee Strains in Europe. American Bee Journal Nov. 2015. p. 663-666
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Büchler Ralph, Cecilia Costa, Fani Hatjina, Sreten Andonov, Marina D Meixner, Yves Le Conte, Aleksandar Uzunov, Stefan Berg, Malgorzata Bienkowska, Maria Bouga, Maja Drazic, Winfried Dyrba, Per Kryger, Beata Panasiuk, Hermann Pechhacker, Plamen Petrov, Nikola Kezić, Seppo Korpela and Jerzy Wilde (2014) The influence of genetic origin and its interaction with environmental effects on the survival of Apis mellifera L. colonies in Europe. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(2):205-214. DOI 10.3896/IBRA.
Charistos L., F. Hatjina, M. Bouga, M. Mladenovic, A-D. Maistros (2014) Morphological discrimination of Greek Honey Bee populations based on Geometric Morphometrics analysis of wing shape. Journal of Apicultural Science 58(1): 75-84. DOI: 10.2478/JAS-2014-0007
Dražić M.; Filipi, J.; Prđun, S.; Bubalo, D.; Špehar, M.; Cvitković, D.; Kezić, D.; Pechhacker, H.; Kezić, N. (2014) Colony development of two Carniolan genotypes (Apis mellifera carnica) in relation to environment. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(2):261-268.
Francis Roy M, Per Kryger, Marina Meixner, Maria Bouga, Evgeniya Ivanova, Sreten Andonov, Stefan Berg, Malgorzata Bienkowska, Ralph Büchler, Leonidas Charistos, Cecilia Costa, Winfried Dyrba, Fani Hatjina, Beata Panasiuk, Hermann Pechhacker, Nikola Kezić, Seppo Korpela, Yves Le Conte, Aleksandar Uzunov and Jerzy Wilde (2014 a) The genetic origin of honey bee colonies used in the COLOSS Genotype-Environment Interactions. Experiment: a comparison of methods. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(2): 188-204 (2014 a). DOI: 10.3896/IBRA.
Francis Roy M, Per Kryger, Marina Meixner, Maria Bouga, Evgeniya Ivanova, Sreten Andonov, Stefan Berg, Malgorzata Bienkowska, Ralph Büchler, Leonidas Charistos, Cecilia Costa, Winfried Dyrba, Fani Hatjina, Beata Panasiuk, Hermann Pechhacker, Nikola Kezić, Seppo Korpela, Yves Le Conte, Aleksandar Uzunov and Jerzy Wilde (2014b). The genetic origin of honey bee colonies used in the COLOSS Genotype-Environment Interactions. Experiment: a comparison of methods. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(2). Online supplementary material
Francis Roy M, Esmaeil Amiri, Marina D Meixner, Per Kryger, Anna Gajda, Sreten Andonov, Aleksandar Uzunov, Grazyna Topolska, Leonidas Charistos, Cecilia Costa, Stefan Berg, Malgorzata Bienkowska, Maria Bouga, Ralph Büchler, Winfried Dyrba, Fani Hatjina, Evgeniya Ivanova, Nikola Kezic, Seppo Korpela, Yves Le Conte, Beata Panasiuk, Hermann Pechhacker, George Tsoktouridis and Jerzy Wilde (2014) Effect of genotype and environment on parasite and pathogen levels in one apiary – a case study. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(2): 230-232 DOI 10.3896/IBRA.
Gerula D., Węgrzynowicz P., Panasiuk B, Bienkowska M., Skowronek W. (2014) Performance of bee colonies headed by queens instrumentally inseminated with semen of drones who come from a single colony or many colonies. Journal of Apicultural Science 58(2):87-97. DOI: 10.2478/JAS-2014-0025
Hatjina Fani, Cecilia Costa, Ralph Büchler, Aleksandar Uzunov, Maja Drazic, Janja Filipi, Leonidas Charistos, Lauri Ruottinen, Sreten Andonov, Marina D Meixner, Malgorzata Bienkowska, Gerula Dariusz, Beata Panasiuk, Yves Le Conte, Jerzy Wilde, Stefan Berg, Maria Bouga, Winfried Dyrba, Hrisula Kiprijanovska, Seppo Korpela, Per Kryger, Marco Lodesani , Hermann Pechhacker, Plamen Petrov and Nikola Kezic (2014) Population dynamics of European honey bee genotypes under different environmental conditions. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(2): 233-247 DOI 10.3896/IBRA.
Hatjina Fani, Malgorzata Bieńkowska, Leonidas Charistos, Robert Chlebo, Cecilia Costa, Marica M Dražić, Janja Filipi, Aleš Gregorc, Evgeniya N Ivanova, Nikola Kezić, Jan Kopernicky, Per Kryger, Marco Lodesani, Vesna Lokar, Mica Mladenovic, Beata Panasiuk, Plamen Petrov, Slađan Rašić, Maja I Smodis Sker, Flemming Vejsnæs and Jerzy Wilde (2014) A review of methods used in some European countries for assessing the quality of honey bee queens through their physical characters and the performance of their colonies. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(3): 337-363 DOI 10.3896/IBRA.
Huang, Q, Lattorff, HMG, Kryger P, Le Conte Y, Moritz RFA (2014) A selective sweep in a microsporidian parasite Nosema tolerant honeybee population, Apis mellifera. Animal Genetics 45(2): 267-273
Huang Q, Kryger P, Le Conte Y, Lattorff HMG, Kraus FB, Moritz RFA (2014) Four quantitative trait loci associated with low Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia) spore load in the honeybee Apis mellifera. Apidologie 45(2): 248-256
Meixner Marina D, Ralph Büchler, Cecilia Costa, Roy M Francis, Fani Hatjina, Per Kryger, Aleksandar Uzunov and Norman L Carreck (2014). Editorial: Honey bee genotypes and the environment. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(2): 183-187 DOI: 10.3896/IBRA.
Meixner Marina Doris, Roy Mathew Francis, Anna Gajda, Per Kryger, Sreten Andonov, Aleksandar Uzunov, Grażyna Topolska, Cecilia Costa, Esmaeil Amiri, Stefan Berg, Malgorzata Bienkowska, Maria Bouga, Ralph Büchler, Winfried Dyrba, Kalinka Gurgulova, Fani Hatjina, Evgeniya Ivanova, Mateja Janes Nikola Kezic, Seppo Korpela, Yves Le Conte, Beata Panasiuk, Hermann Pechhacker, George Tsoktouridis, Giacomo Vaccari and Jerzy Wilde (2014) Occurrence of parasites and pathogens in honey bee colonies used in a European genotype-environment interactions experiment Journal of Apicultural Research 53(2): 215-229 DOI 10.3896/IBRA.
Muñoz, I.; Dall’ Olio, R.; Lodesani , M; De la Rúa, P. (2014) Estimating introgression in Apis mellifera siciliana populations: are the conservation islands really effective? Insect Conservation and Diversity 7(6): 563–571. DOI: 10.1111/icad.12092
Muñoz, I.; Pinto; M.A.; De la Rúa, P. (2014). Effects of queen importation on the genetic diversity of island honeybee populations (Apis mellifera linneaus 1758). Journal of Apicultural Research: 53 (2): 296-302. DOI 10.3896/IBRA.
Muñoz, I.; Cepero, A; Pinto, M.A.; Martín-Hernández, R.; Higes, M.; De la Rúa, P. (2014). Changes in Nosema incidence associated with honey bee queen introductions. Infection, Genetics and Evolution: 23, 161–168. Doi.org/10.1016/j.meegid.2014.02.008.
Nedić, N.; Francis, R.M.; Stanisavljević, Lj.; Pihler, I.; Kezić, N.; Bendixen, C.; Kryger, P. (2014) Detecting population admixture in honey bees of Serbia. Journal of Apicultural Research. 53 2; 303-313
Pinto, M.A.; Henriques, D.; Chávez-Galarza, J.; Kryger, P.; Garnery, L.; van der Zee, R.; Dahle, B.; Soland-Reckeweg, G.; De la Rúa, P.; Dall’ Olio, R.; Carreck; N.L.; Johnston, J.S. (2014). Genetic integrity of the dark honey bee (Apis mellifera mellifera) from protected populations: a genome-wide assessment using SNPs and mtDNA sequence data. Journal of Apicultural Research: 53(2): 269 -278. DOI 10.3896/IBRA.
Panasiuk Beata, Bieńkowska Małgorzata, Gerula Dariusz, Węgrzynowicz Paweł (2014) Susceptibility of bee larvae to chalkbrood in relation to hygienic behaviour of worker bees in colonies of chosen races of honeybee (Apis mellifera). Journal of Apicultural Science 58(1): 119-126. DOI: 10.2478/JAS-
Toufailia HMA, Amiri E, Scandian L, Kryger P, Ratnieks FLW (2014) Towards integrated control of varroa: effect of variation in hygienic behaviour among honey bee colonies on mite population increase and deformed wing virus incidence. Journal of Apicultural Research & Bee World 53 (5), 555-562
Uzunov Aleksandar, Cecilia Costa, Beata Panasiuk, Marina Meixner, Per Kryger, Fani Hatjina, Maria Bouga, Sreten Andonov, Malgorzata Bienkowska, Yves Le Conte, Jerzy Wilde, Dariusz Gerula, Hrisula Kiprijanovska, Janja Filipi, Plamen Petrov, Lauri Ruottinen, Hermann Pechhacker, Stefan Berg, Winfried Dyrba, Evgeniya Ivanova, Ralph Büchler (2014a) Swarming, defensive and hygienic behaviour in honey bee colonies of different genetic origin in a pan-European experiment. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(2): 248-260 DOI 10.3896/IBRA.
Uzunov A., Meixner M. D., Kiprijanovska H., Andonov S., Gregorc A., Ivanova E., Bouga M., Dobi P., Buchler R., Francis R., Kryger P. (2014b) Genetic structure of Apis mellifera macedonica in the Balkan Peninsula based on microsatellite DNA polymorphism. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(2): 288-295. http://dx.doi.org/10.3896/IBRA.
van der Zee R., Brodschneider, R.; Brusbardis, V; Charrière, J.D.; Chlebo, R.; Coffey, M. F.; Dahle, B.; Drazic, M.M.; Kauko, L.; Kretavicius, J.; Kristiansen, P.; Mutinelli, F.; Otten, C.; Peterson, M.; Raudmets, A.; Santrac, V.; Seppälä, A.; Soroker, V.; Topolska, G.; Vejsnæs, F.; Gray, A. (2014) Results of international standardised beekeeper surveys of colony losses for winter 2012-2013: analysis of winter loss rates and mixed effects modelling of risk factors for winter loss. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(1):19-334.
Wallberg, A., Han, H., Wellhagen, G., Dahle, B., Kawata, M., Haddad, N., Simoes, Z.L.P., Allaopp, M.H., Kandemir, I., Rua, P.D.L., Pirk, C.W., Webster, M.T. (2014). A worldwide survey of genome sequence variation provides insight into the evolutionary history of the honeybee Apis mellifera. Nature Genetics 46: 1081-1089, doi:10.1038/ng.3077
Węgrzynowicz Paweł, Gerula Dariusz, Bieńkowska Małgorzata, Panasiuk Beata (2014) Causes and scale of winter flights in honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica) colonies. Journal of Apicultural Science 58(1): 135-143. DOI: 10.2478/JAS-2014-0014